воскресенье, 16 января 2022 г.

High-rate RTK: Helpful or hypeful?

Approaches to providing real-time kinematic (RTK) solutions at high rates have existed in various forms for decades, providing value for high precision applications. This technique is nearly universally adopted in the industry, and many surveyors may have been using it for years without realizing it. Yet there are persistent misconceptions about the subject.

By Gavin Schrock, PLS

For many on the development side of high-precision real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS, like those we interviewed for this article, the incorporation of high-rate solutions into their RTK products is a given — and has been for a very long time. Yet, in some end-user communities there may still be many question marks: Does my gear do it? Does other gear do it? What can it do for me? What are the pluses and minuses?