понедельник, 26 декабря 2022 г.

Trimble R12i GNSS System Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the new Trimble TIP technology and the legacy Trimble SurePoint tilt compensation technology found in the Trimble R10 and R12?

Trimble® TIP™ technology uses an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) comprised of three accelerometers and three gyroscopes to provide the necessary information for the positioning engine to precisely determine the attitude of the rover, allowing the tilt heading and thus the position of the pole tip to be computed in real time.

On the other hand, Trimble SurePoint™ technology, first introduced in the Trimble R10, uses a magnetometer to determine the tilt heading. Because the heading provided by the magnetometer depends on an accurate global model of the earth's magnetic field, and because the sensor itself is susceptible to local sources of magnetic interference which can render it unusable, the achievable tilt angle is less (15°), compensated points cannot be measured in all instances, and the system must remain static when measuring a compensated point. It is therefore also not possible to use Trimble SurePoint technology for stakeout, whereas Trimble TIP technology doesn't require the system to remain static and is therefore suitable for both measurement and stakeout workflows.

Finally, because Trimble TIP technology uses sensor data to automatically align the IMU to the GNSS reference frame in the field, it is not necessary to perform specific steps to calibrate the sensors, as is the case with the Trimble R10 and Trimble SurePoint technology. 


понедельник, 5 декабря 2022 г.

Polk County residents and officials disagree on property lines

As residents accuse the county of moving property line markers while surveying land for its online GIS database, Polk County officials say residents who have misunderstood property descriptions for years are to blame.

среда, 14 сентября 2022 г.

How to Add Google Satellite Imagery QGIS


Google Maps Tiled Map Service Links

Google Mapshttps://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=r&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}
Google Satellitehttps://www.google.cn/maps/vt?lyrs=s@189&gl=cn&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}
Google Satellite Hybridhttps://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}
Google Terrainhttps://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=t&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}
Google Roadshttps://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=h&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} 
Links to Google basemap layers

Add XYZ Tiles to QGIS

вторник, 5 апреля 2022 г.

Обновление УЗ и шаблона проекта для ГеониКС Топоплан

По ссылке Условные знаки для GeoniCS 2013/2015 v3 + шаблон можно скачать обновлённые УЗ и шаблон

Что было сделано в библиотеке УЗ:

  • Добавлены короткие стрелки ЛЭП и Телекома
  • Добавлен УЗ столба GSM
  • Изменена прорисовка линейных УЗ инженерных сетей. Теперь "буква" сети будет отрисовываться ближе к началу, что позволит во многих случаях не ставить дополнительную "букву". Чтобы после замены УЗ линии сетей отрисовались по "новому" необходимо выполнить команду GCTCDATARELOAD
Что было сделано в шаблоне проекта:
  • Исправлены границы фона на подписях - теперь они удлиняются и укорачиваются по значениям 
  • Добавлены наиболее часто встречающиеся подписи на объектах ситуации

воскресенье, 16 января 2022 г.

High-rate RTK: Helpful or hypeful?

Approaches to providing real-time kinematic (RTK) solutions at high rates have existed in various forms for decades, providing value for high precision applications. This technique is nearly universally adopted in the industry, and many surveyors may have been using it for years without realizing it. Yet there are persistent misconceptions about the subject.

By Gavin Schrock, PLS

For many on the development side of high-precision real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS, like those we interviewed for this article, the incorporation of high-rate solutions into their RTK products is a given — and has been for a very long time. Yet, in some end-user communities there may still be many question marks: Does my gear do it? Does other gear do it? What can it do for me? What are the pluses and minuses?